上海上外翻译总公司的孕育诞生,是新形势下校办企业适应社会主义市场经济发展的产物,更是上海外国语大学施行高校企业改革方案的重要举措,是上外集团进军专业翻译领域的关键步骤。 几年来,在公司全体成员的努力下,成绩斐然: 1、通过翻译这个载体,在社会上加强了上外的形象。也就是说,翻译公司通过上外这块金字招牌得到了
The birth of the Shanghai Foreign Service Translation Corporation is a product of the school-run enterprises’ adapting to the socialist market economy under the new situation. It is also an important measure for the Shanghai University of Foreign Languages to implement the reform plan for the university enterprises. It is also the key for the Shanghai Foreign Corporations to enter the professional translation field step. In recent years, with the efforts of all the members of the company, the achievements have been impressive. 1. By translating this carrier, the image of the country outside and outside has been strengthened. That is to say, the translation company got this golden sign on the outside