前言 我国水资源总量约28000亿立 方米,居世界第六位,但人均占有量 仅为世界平均数的1/4,在世界排列 第八十八位,属缺水国家。 全国水土资源分布很不均衡, 长江流域及其以南河流的径流量占 全国的80%以上,耕地面积不到全 国的40%,属富水区;而黄河、淮河、 海河三大流域和西北内陆的面积占 全国50%,耕地占45%,人口占 36%,水资源总量只有全国的12%, 属缺水区。
Foreword The total amount of water resources in China is about 280 billion cubic meters, ranking sixth in the world, but the per capita occupancy is only 1/4 of the world’s average, ranking eighth in the world and it is a water-short country. The distribution of land and water resources in the country is very uneven. The runoff from the Yangtze River basin and its rivers south of the country accounts for more than 80% of the country’s total. The area of arable land is less than 40% of the country’s total. It is a rich water area; and the Yellow River, Huaihe River and Haihe River basins and the Northwest The inland area accounts for 50% of the country’s total, cultivated land accounts for 45%, and the population accounts for 36%. The total amount of water resources is only 12% of the country’s total. It is a water-scarce area.