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各州、市、县(区)人民政府,各地区行政公署,省直各委、办、厅、局: 《云南省地县财政“收入上台阶考核奖励”暂行办法》(以下简称“办法”)已试行一年。为了适应所得税分享改革的要求,充分调动各地增收节支的积极性,促进我省财政收入稳步增长,经省政府同意,决定对《云南省地县财政“收入上台阶考核奖励”暂行办法》中的有关指标及考核条件等进行调整完善。现将有关问题通知如下,请认真贯彻执行。一、调整20O2年一般预算收入口径 2002年,中央决定实施所得税收入分享改革,中央、省、地、县按比例分享企业所得税和个人所得税。因此,各级财政一般 People’s governments of all counties, cities and counties (districts), administrative commissions of all regions, provincial commissions, offices, offices and bureaus: “Yunnan prefectures and counties” Approach “) has been piloted for one year. In order to meet the requirements of the reform of income tax sharing and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of various provinces to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, promote the steady growth of fiscal revenue in our province, with the consent of the provincial government, decide on the ”prefectural finance in Yunnan Province" In the relevant indicators and assessment conditions to be adjusted and improved. The relevant issues are hereby notified as follows, please implement it conscientiously. I. Adjusting the Estimated Income and Expenses in 2020 In 2002, the central government decided to implement the income tax revenue sharing reform, and the central, provincial, prefectural and prefectural governments shared their corporate income tax and personal income tax on a pro rata basis. Therefore, all levels of finance generally
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江苏省建湖县人民医院创建于 1948年 5月 ,座落在盐城市建湖县城人民南路 112号。医院占地面积 5.5万平方米 ,建筑面积 35880平方米 ,是一所科室齐全、装备先进、技术配套、
各自治州、市人民政府,各地区行署,各县(自治县、市、市辖区、特区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构: 为贯彻《国务院关于全面推进农村税费改革试点工作的意见》(国发〔2
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