医改是大问题,世界级难题,当中有三医联动问题,有补偿机制问题,还有医患关系问题。为什么中国医改那么复杂呢?香港也讲医改,它主要只有一个问题,叫做医疗筹资(health financing),就是如何为医疗卫生服务提供稳定的资金。我们的医改,表面上就是钱作怪。看看医疗卫生服务领域各行为主体的取态吧。公立医院要挣钱,又吃财政又吃医保,是个无底洞;医保基金要控费,要防止收不抵支;医药行业要赚钱,不断推高药价,要赚大钱;老百姓想
Medical reform is a big problem and a world-class one. There are three medical linkage problems, there are compensation mechanism problems, and the relationship between doctors and patients. Why China’s health care reform is so complicated? Hong Kong also talked about health reform. The only major problem, called health financing, is how to provide stable funding for health care services. Our medical reform, on the surface is money mischief. Take a look at the main body of the behavior of medical and health services to take it. Public hospitals to make money, eat finance and eat health insurance, is a bottomless pit; Medicare fund to control costs, to prevent payment of non-payment; Pharmaceutical industry to make money, and constantly push drug prices, to make big money; people want