1972年,美国总统尼克松访华,一踏上中国大陆,就要求看一看中国的高柄镂空蛋壳陶杯……这究竟是件什么宝贝,会引起美国总统这么大的兴趣? 原来,早在1936年,梁启超的儿子梁思永先生,带领考古队在日照两城文化遗址发现了4500多年前的珍稀陶器——高柄镂空蛋壳陶杯,以及其它大量的出土文物。 陶器是中国古代文明的象征,诞生于中国的新石器时代。新石器时代早期,黄河流域的陶器比较原始,器物种类少,器型简单,火候较低,陶质疏松,多为红陶。新石器中期,黄河流域以仰韶文化、大汶口文化时期为代表的陶器生产逐渐获得很大发展,除大量红陶外,灰陶、黑陶、白陶相继出现,陶器的实用性和艺术
In 1972, when U.S. President Nixon visited China, as soon as he set foot on mainland China, he demanded a look at China’s elbowshed pottery cup ...... What kind of baby would have caused such a great interest in the United States President? It turned out that as early as In 1936, Liang’s son, Liang Siyong, led the archeology team to find the rare pottery, the high-handle hollow egg-shell pottery, and other large numbers of unearthed relics, which were discovered more than 4,500 years ago. Pottery is a symbol of ancient Chinese civilization, was born in China’s Neolithic Age. In the early Neolithic era, the pottery in the Yellow River Basin was primitive, with fewer types of artifacts, simple device types, lower heat rate, loose pottery, and more terracotta. In the mid-Neolithic period, pottery production, represented by Yangshao culture and Dawenkou period, gradually gained great development in the Yellow River basin. In addition to a large number of pottery, gray pottery, black pottery and white pottery appeared one after another, and the practicality and art of pottery