加强分层分类教学,更加注重完善教学体系武汉市儿童福利院在全面保障孤残儿童教育权益的同时,针对孤残儿童的残疾情况及智力水平,对2~18岁的院童实行分层分类教育,建立了较为完善的教学体系。建立学前综合教育模式福利院由特教老师、康复医生、心理咨询师、专职社工师组成专业的评估小组,对学龄前的5 1名孤残儿童从教育、康复、心理、社会适应性四个方面进行评估。结合综合评估结果,制定出适合每个儿
Strengthen the teaching of stratified classification, pay more attention to improve the teaching system Wuhan Children’s Welfare Institute in full protection of the rights and interests of orphans and disabled children at the same time, orphans and disabled children with disabilities and intelligence levels, stratified classification of children aged 2 to 18 Education, established a relatively perfect teaching system. Establishing a Comprehensive Pre-school Education Model The Welfare Institute consists of special teachers, rehabilitation doctors, psychological counselors and full-time social workers. A team of 51 professional orphans and disabled children from four special levels of education, rehabilitation, psychology and social adaptability Assessment. Combined with the comprehensive assessment results, developed for each child