安徽大别山北部新发现的榴辉岩主要产于花岗质片麻岩及基性—超基性岩中 ,与大别山南部的榴辉岩在产出围岩、矿物组成及地球化学特征等方面均十分相似。现今榴辉岩南多北少的分布 ,主要是在中生代热隆构造体制下剧烈差异抬升剥蚀 ,中生代花岗岩大面积侵位所致。
The newly discovered eclogites in northern Dabie Mountains of Anhui Province are mainly produced in granitic gneiss and mafic-ultramafic rocks, with eclogites in the southern part of the Dabie Mountains producing rock, mineral composition and geochemical characteristics look alike. At present, the distribution of eclogites in the north and south of the north is mainly caused by the intense difference uplifting and denudation under the Mesozoic Helong structural system and the large area emplacement of Mesozoic granite.