软饮料,尤其是果汁饮料、果蔬汁和碳酸饮料中的酸性成分如碳酸、柠檬酸会导致牙齿表面产生菌斑,破坏牙釉质发生牙酸蚀症(dental erosion),几种市面常见的软饮料均可造成牙釉质酸蚀脱矿。同品牌的可乐和橙汁在试验中造成的牙釉质质量损失率相近。柠檬酸是非可乐类饮料中使用最多的也是腐蚀性最强的酸性物质。番茄汁缺少碳酸和柠檬酸,造成的质量损失率几乎只是可乐和橙汁的40%。
Soft drinks, especially fruit drinks, fruit juices and carbonated beverages, such as carbonic acid and citric acid, can cause plaque on the tooth surface and cause dental erosion of the tooth enamel. Several common soft drinks in the market can be used Causes demineralization of enamel. With the same brand of cola and orange juice in the test caused by loss of quality enamel similar. Citric acid is the most commonly used and most corrosive acid in non-cola drinks. Tomato juice is deficient in carbonic acid and citric acid, resulting in a mass loss rate of almost 40% of colas and orange juice.