封面人物是被誉为“现代临床医学之父”的威廉·奥斯勒(William -Osler,1849-1919),伟大的医学家、教育家。他不仅在内科研究领域建树颇丰,更是现代临床医学教育的开创者,还以文艺复兴式的多才多艺和对人文的关怀影响着全世界的医者。奥斯勒于1849年出生在加拿大安大略州,他在麦吉尔大学接受医学教育,后来留校教授临床医学,开创了病床边(Besides)
The cover character is William-Osler (1849-1919), a great physician and educator who has been hailed as the “father of modern clinical medicine.” He not only made great achievements in the field of medical research, but also pioneered the modern clinical education. He also influenced the doctors in the world with the Renaissance versatility and humanistic concern. Born in Ontario, Canada in 1849, Osler received medical education at McGill University and later went on to teach clinical medicine, creating the In addition,