In order to show a colorful world of audio-visual, home theater and home entertainment showcase the wonderful and wonderful, to share the successful design of many audio-visual designer case, showing the audio-visual enthusiasts home entertainment system uniqueness and creativity, inspire higher Audiovisual enthusiasm, “home theater technology” magazine, AV China (www.hdavchina.com) website jointly organized by a number of cooperative agencies and the media co-sponsored “I love home theater! 2012 home entertainment system Creative Design Competition” has been From January 1, 2012, the official opening of the New Year! This is a continuation of the first acclaimed and acclaimed “I Love Home Theater! 2010-2010 China’s First HD Home Theater Design Competition” held in 2010 Is hot in progress. During the event, the active works will be released respectively in “Home Theater Technology” magazine and the AV China website. The issue of this year’s magazine will be as of January 15 outstanding entries, divided into video designers and works of audio and video enthusiasts work two categories one by one release display.