在写作中能否善于运用人称代词也是语言是否成熟的一个标志。人称代词的通常用法是用来称代人或事物的名称,具有确指和实指的作用。但是,人称代词还有它的灵活用法,值得我们引起注意。人称代词的灵活用法有以下几种情况: 一、人称代词的复数可以当单数来用,这种情况在言论文章中比较多见。作者往往把“我”说成“我们”。它的作用是可以增强表达的声势和力量,有时也含有作者自谦的意味。例如:“我昨天看电影也几乎流泪,……我们认为动机与效果是
The ability to use personal pronouns in writing is also a sign of whether language is mature. The common usage of personal pronouns is used to refer to the names of people or things, with the function of definite and actual ones. However, personal pronouns and its flexible usage, it deserves our attention. Flexible usage of personal pronouns in the following situations: First, the plural pronouns can be used when the singular, this situation is more common in speech articles. Authors often refer to “me” as “us.” Its role is to enhance the momentum and power of expression, sometimes with the author’s modesty. For example: "I was crying almost yesterday when I watched a movie ... We think the motivation and effect are