Autonomous Tracking Control for Four-Wheel Independent Steering Robot Based on Improved Pure Pursuit

来源 :北京理工大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wang5632968
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Autonomous tracking control is one of the fundamental challenges in the field of robotic autonomous navigation, especially for future intelligent robots. In this paper, an improved pure pur-suit control method is proposed for the path tracking control problem of a four-wheel independent steering robot. Based on the analysis of the four-wheel independent steering model, the kinematic model and the steering geometry model of the robot are established. Then the path tracking con-trol is realized by considering the correlation between the look-ahead distance and the velocity, as well as the lateral error between the robot and the reference path. The experimental results demon-strate that the improved pure pursuit control method has the advantages of small steady-state er-ror, fast response and strong robustness, which can effectively improve the accuracy of path track-ing.
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