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独龙江发源于缅藏交界处,地处云南省西北角的独龙江区,属迪庆藏族自治州独龙族恕族自治县管辖。它西与缅甸相接,北靠近西藏自治区。江水流入缅甸后称思梅开江。长期以来独龙江地区与外界隔绝,高黎贡山是独龙江地区与外界交往的天然屏障,成为一个独立而封闭的社会。清《雍正云南通志》中曾有这样的记载:“俅人,丽江界内有之,披树叶为衣,茹毛饮血,无屋宇,居山岩中”。50年代我国民族工作队的调查材料说:“独龙族仍处于母系家庭公社的解体阶段,无固定农业,刀耕火种或以野生植物充饥”。由于独龙江处于热带的北缘,雨量充沛,植物种类非常丰富,是植物学工作者一直向往的地区。30~40年代我国植物学家俞德浚、冯国楣等人曾冒险进入独龙江短期考察。解放后也有少数植物学工作者进入,但对独龙江流域的全面情况,特别是沿独龙江而上到西藏,这一段无人区是科学家考察的空白区。1983年我们一 Dulong River originated in Myanmar-Tibet junction, is located in the northwestern corner of Yunnan Province, Dulongjiang District, Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture is the jurisdiction of Dulong Zhu Shu Autonomous County. It is connected to Myanmar in the west and to the Tibet Autonomous Region in the north. After flowing into Myanmar, Simei opened the river. For a long time, the Dulong River area has been isolated from the outside world. The Gaoligong Mountain is a natural barrier between the Dulong River area and the outside world, and has become an independent and closed society. Clear “Yongzheng Yunnan Annals” had such a record: “俅 people, there is Lijiang sector, Phi leaves for the clothing, ralph lauren pas cher, rough hair, no houses, Junshan rock.” In the 1950s, the investigation materials of our ethnic work team said: “The Dulong people are still in the dissolution stage of matriarchal family communes without any fixed agriculture, slash-and-burn seeds or wild plants.” As the Dulong River is located in the northern margin of the tropical, abundant rainfall, plant species is very rich, botanists always aspire to the area. From the 30s to the 40s, botanists Yu Dejun and Feng Guomei in China took the risk of entering the Dulong River for a short period of investigation. After the liberation there were also a few botanists who entered, but on the overall situation of the Dulong River Basin, especially along the Dulong River and up to Tibet, this section of the unmanned area is a blank space for scientists to examine. In 1983 we one
孙中山题词、邹鲁书丹摩崖刻石在广州天河区华南理工大学化机系。该系范围内有座小山,土名大石山,山巅横卧一方颜色青苍的巨石,题词就刻在巨石之阳。 题词正文十五字,字大如
Sr and Ba are the IIA group elements,with the same outer electronic structure,and the very similar properties,so separation of the two elements becomes very dif
故障现象一辆2010款自动挡福克斯1.8 L高配轿车,行驶里程为1500 km,据驾驶人反映,该车刮水器无法关闭。故障诊断试车发现,当断开点火开关后,刮水器仍然运转。仔细观察后发现,
为了弘扬优秀文化传统,深入开展民俗文化研究,经批准,江西省中国民俗文化研究中心于1993年6月成立。研究中心设在江西省社会科学院大院内。 钟敬文、娄子匡、马学良、姜彬、