目的探讨老年眼科常见疾病患者动态心电图检查临床分析。方法分析309例老年眼科常见疾病患者动态心电图。结果 309例老年眼科常见疾病患者动态心电图异常者70例,占总数的68%。结论老年眼科常见疾病术前动态心电图检查发现心律失常及ST-T波异常改变,应引起重视,积极控制血压、血糖,营养心肌,常规给予术中、术后心电监护,以确保手术期的安全。
Objective To investigate the clinical analysis of ambulatory electrocardiogram in elderly patients with common ophthalmic diseases. Methods Analysis of 309 cases of common diseases of elderly patients with dynamic ECG. Results 309 cases of common diseases of elderly patients with abnormal electrocardiogram in 70 cases, accounting for 68% of the total. Conclusion Preoperative electrophysiological examination of common ophthalmic diseases preoperatively revealed arrhythmia and abnormal changes of ST-T wave. Attention should be paid to the positive control of blood pressure, blood glucose, myocardial nutrition, routine intraoperative and postoperative ECG monitoring to ensure that the operation Safety.