
来源 :法制与社会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sheep1number
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在毒品非法流通环节中,娱乐场所向来都是毒品打击的重点场所。因毒品交易具有隐蔽性、买卖双方为掩饰彼此违法事实形成的默契性等特点,公安机关多以阵地控制、物建特情等方法搜集情报、开展侦查活动。但新阶段,针对娱乐场所涉毒问题出现的新特征,公安机关利用传统模式打击娱乐场所涉毒成效不大,本文建议要与时俱进强化娱乐场所涉毒管理,走出行之有效的新型缉毒侦查之路。 In the illicit circulation of narcotic drugs, entertainment venues have always been the focus of the drug crackdown. Due to the hidden nature of the drug trade and the fact that the buyers and sellers conceal the fact that they are illegitimate each other, the public security organs collect intelligence and carry out investigation activities by means of positional control and material conditions. However, in the new stage, in light of the new characteristics of entertainment-related drug-related problems, the public security organs are not effective in using traditional modes to combat drug-related entertainment in entertainment venues. This paper suggests that we should keep pace with the times and strengthen the management of drug-related entertainment in entertainment venues. Road of investigation.
七、精淤精室型 1、临床表现 主症为失精,所失精液稠厚,呈团块状,不易液化。兼症有:(1)两侧肾区、膝、足跟或足掌部、睾丸、阴茎针刺样疼痛,或睾丸坠胀疼痛;(2)性交时射精不
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