1992年9月21日,日本《读卖新闻》刊登一条消息,题为《野坂参三被日本共产党解除名誉主席职务》。 野坂参三1892年出生于日本山口县。前年刚刚过完百岁生日,正准备以新的姿态进入第二个百年时,突然被宣布解除了日本共产党名誉主席职务。野坂创造了一个“世界之最”,成为世界上最高龄的被解职者。何以如此?请看日本共产党公布的关于野坂参三“告密”问题的调查结果。其主要内容如下:
On September 21, 1992, a piece of news was published in Japan’s Yomiuri Shimbun entitled “Nomosaka Sanke was deposed as honorary chairman of the Japanese Communist Party.” Yosaka Senzo was born in Japan Yamaguchi Prefecture in 1892. When the year before last just passed its 100th birthday and is preparing to enter the second centenary with a new attitude, it was suddenly announced that the honorary chairman of the Japanese Communist Party should be lifted. Yasaka created “the best of the world,” becoming the world’s oldest dismissed person. Why is this? Look at the findings of the survey by the Communist Party of Japan on the three “informers” issues reported by Yasaka Sakae. Its main contents are as follows: