First, the general situation Huangkeng Minamata was started in 1966 to start the construction of irrigation projects. The hub is located in Daping Brigade, Huangkeng commune, leading to the tributary of the left stream of the Chuan River Dasha. Above the dam collection rain area of 154 square kilometers, with plenty of water. The design cites flow of 1.5 seconds and irrigates 8600 acres of farmland in eleven brigades of two communes. The total length of 32 km main canal, down to one-fourth of the slope. More than 70% of the main canal sections are excavated along the mountain. The steep slopes of hills and valleys are generally around 45 °. The soil is poor and the surface is heavily weathered granite weathered soil. In 1976, the canals introduced water of 1.2 seconds of cubic meters, and all drainage culverts and gates closed in the canal. After 15 kilometers of water flow, all the water had disappeared and the average seepage flow per kilometer reached 0.08 seconds. Therefore, it can not be put into operation. From 1978 to 1981