在解释晚年钱氏心境和行为时 ,一个最重要的出发点是旧日世家子弟的“后死之悲”。钱氏晚年潜心于著述而对俗世的极端冷漠 ,本身就是不愿意再卷入红尘尤其是作为其中心的政治旋涡的证明 ,即便他由于历史情势所逼而与当局有所过从 ,但其真实心态、思想与行为也应当以身不由己视之。与陈寅恪先生出于其“家国旧情”而对钱牧斋百般回护一样 ,在钱钟书先生的诗作中 ,也明确表达了一种对包括自己在内的 2 0世纪中国知识分子的“同情之了解”。
One of the most important starting points in explaining Qian’s mood and behavior in his later years is the “tragedy of the afterlife” of the children of the old days. His later indifference to his writing, his extreme indifference to the earthly world, is itself a proof of his unwillingness to get caught up in the red dust, especially the vortex of politics at its center, even though he has to follow the authorities because of historical circumstances Mentality, thoughts and behaviors should also be ignored. Like Mr. Chen Yinque out of his “hometown old love” for Qian Muzhai, in his poem, Mr. Qian also clearly expressed a kind of “self-respect for the Chinese intellectuals in the 20th century, including himself, Understanding of sympathy. ”