The subject was comfortably resting on a couch in a small room lit with dimly lit red lights. The experimenter’s eyes were covered in half-a-ping-pong balls, with a pair of headphones on his head that carried “white noise” - a uniform blend of sounds of varying frequencies. The wall of the small room is about 30 cm thick with steel panels. All this is done without distracting the experimenter. In an adjoining room 3 meters away from the subject, his partner was watching the television screen with his television set connected to the video recorder, which was randomly selected from a set of video tapes by a computer. Even lab workers do not know the contents of the video tapes chosen by the computer. While watching the flickering image of the subject, the testees recorded the voice while recording: "I saw a shadow, a black bird with very sharp beaks and drooping wings ... blubber Needle-like tip