The Oxford Gargoyles是牛津大学的国际知名爵士乐当代无伴奏合唱组合。组合同时拥有名门的风范、魅力,以及无可挑剔的乐感,加上充满动感的爵士及放克音乐,令Gargoyles于国际乐坛上独树一帜。Gargoyles已成立十六年,长期在欧美、亚洲各地演出。他们已经连续参与九届Edinburgh Fringe Festival,每年演出都迅速售罄,且获得极高评价。2007年Gargoyles参与国际大专当代无伴奏合唱大赛欧洲组别,并晋身决赛,于纽约林肯中心
The Oxford Gargoyles is an internationally acclaimed jazz contemporary cappella choir of Oxford University. The genre, charm, and impeccable sense of music, combined with dynamic jazz and funk music, make Gargoyles unique on the international scene. Gargoyles has been established for 16 years and has long been performing in Europe, America and Asia. They have been involved in the Ninth Edinburgh Fringe Festival for a consecutive year, and their performances are sold out quickly each year and received very high ratings. 2007 Gargoyles Participate in the International College Contemporary Cappella Competition European group, and the final, at the Lincoln Center in New York