本文探讨了规范化训练与学生主观能动性两者之间的均衡结合在外科学基本操作教学中的意义.在外科学基本操作教学初期,严格强调规范化训练,禁止学生随意性操作;在后期教学中,通过组织学生外科学操作基本功比赛,调动学生的主观能动性,激发学习兴趣.经过一段时间的教学,在外科学基本技能考试和临床实习中,学生的外科学基本操作标准、熟练,受到了主考教师和临床带教教师的认可和好评.规范化训练与学生主观能动性在外科学基本操作教学中缺一不可,应当将两者有机结合,以实现良好的教学效果.“,”This paper discusses the effect of balanced combination of standardized trainings and subjective initiatives of students in the teaching of basic surgical manipulations. In early stage of teaching, standardized training was strictly stressed and causal manipulation of students was inhibited. In later stages of teaching, a competition of basic surgical skill was hold to inspire subjective initiatives and studying inter- est of students. After balanced teaching, basic surgical manipulations of students were accurate and profi- cient in the examination of basic surgical skills and following clinical practice. They were approbated and praised by examiners and clinical teaching surgeons. Standardized training should be combined with subjec- tive initiatives of students to promote the teaching effect of basic surgical manipulations.