从教育学的观点看,课堂教学是教学的基本组织形式。而课堂学习则是学生获取知识、发展智力、形成能力的主要形式。在一定程度上讲,学生能否很好地完成学习任务,取得较好的效益,主要取决于课堂的学习。因此,每个中学生必须重视课堂学习。 语文课堂学习可以从学习程序、智力培养、能力培养、学习内容和学习常规等方面给学生进行方法上的指导。在此,我们首先谈学习程序。
From the perspective of pedagogy, classroom teaching is the basic organizational form of teaching. Classroom learning is the main form in which students acquire knowledge, develop intelligence, and form their abilities. To a certain extent, whether a student can successfully complete a learning task and achieve better results depends mainly on classroom learning. Therefore, each middle school student must pay attention to classroom learning. Chinese language classroom learning can provide methodological guidance to students in terms of learning procedures, intellectual development, ability development, learning content, and learning routines. Here, we first talk about learning programs.