本文对 2 0 0 4年 3月 3日 (十届政协二次会议开幕 )至 4月 2日中央电视台《新闻联播》节目中的普通话使用情况进行分析。一、普通话使用情况普遍 ,其中记者、学者、教师、文化艺术工作者及学生使用情况好。二、公务员使用普通话状况依然不乐观 ,但中高级以上领导干部 ,尤其是新一代国家级领导人使用情况有进步。三、公司企业管理层普通话水平似乎与企业规模及性质有一定关联。四、经济发达地区在低水平的普通话使用上要好于经济欠发达地区。
This article analyzes the use of Mandarin in March 3, 2004 (the opening of the second session of the Tenth CPPCC National Committee) and April 2 in the “News Network” program of China Central Television. First, the prevalence of Mandarin, including journalists, scholars, teachers, arts and culture workers and students in good condition. Second, the situation of civil servants using Putonghua is still not optimistic. However, the use of leading cadres above middle and senior level, especially the new generation of state-level leaders, has progressed. Third, the corporate management level of Mandarin seems to be related to the size and nature of the enterprise. Fourth, the economically developed areas in the low-level use of Putonghua better than economically less developed regions.