Meng Jiao is a representative of the Han and Meng Poets School in the Middle Tang Dynasty. His poem and Han Yu are famous, simple and vigorous, gloomy and gloomy, and are known for their unique dangers. Han Yu said he is a poem is “stare, stabbed stingy, pinch stomach and kidney, God ghost set, see the layers” (“Mr. Zhen Yao Epitaph”). Visible his creative method is: deliberately search for bitter and weird images, painstakingly poignant poetry language. His poems and Jia Island homogeneous, Su Shih rated In fact, “suburban ” only in terms of their overall impression, because Meng suburbs Jiuchang science field, after the first only sinking under the bureaucratic, life long Rinan, so his poems on the barren, hungry, sleepy , Laborious, poor performance of many diseases. The overall feeling of Su Shi on Meng Jiao is correct