In the eclogite samples B1021R642P40a, B1039R646P47a, B1046R648P4c and B1053R649P74k in the middle of the main hole in the scientific drillers in mainland China, we found the pyrrhotite pyrrhotite dissolution structure. Apatite is the main accessory mineral of this eclogite, which has a high self-shape and coexists with garnet. Almost all apatites in the sample develop an emanative structure, with at least two sets of rods that are perpendicular to each other. Dissolved bar shape regular, as wide (<1μm), but the length changes (5 ~ 50μm). The determination by high resolution spectrometer showed that the bar was mainly composed of Fe and S. Since the Fe / S ratio can not be accurately determined, it is initially determined to be pyrrhotite (Fe 1-x S). Due to its high content of rare earth elements and volatile components such as OH, F, Cl and S, apatite can have a profound effect on the global circulation of Earth’s water, sulfur and other volatile components.