
来源 :北京航空航天大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:scx
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采用恒载荷应力腐蚀实验方法和表面显微分析方法研究了3.5%NaCl水溶液中00Cr18Ni10N奥氏体不锈钢母材及焊接接头的应力腐蚀开裂行为.通过应力腐蚀120 h后剩余强度的损失量分析来比较00Cr18Ni10N母材及其焊接接头的应力腐蚀性能,并利用金相显微镜和扫描电镜研究了00Cr18Ni10N钢焊缝区、热影响区与母材的显微组织差别和应力腐蚀开裂断口形貌.结果表明,焊接接头的应力腐蚀断裂位置均位于焊缝区,在较高应力水平90%σ0.2下00Cr18Ni10N母材的强度损失较焊接接头低13.02%,母材的抗应力腐蚀性能优于焊接接头.断口形貌分析表明,00Cr18Ni10N母材和焊接接头在应力和腐蚀介质的共同作用下发生断裂,断口显现出沿晶断裂和韧窝断裂的形貌特征. The stress corrosion cracking behavior of 00Cr18Ni10N austenitic stainless steel base metal and welded joints in 3.5% NaCl aqueous solution was investigated by means of constant load stress corrosion test and surface microanalysis method. The loss of residual strength after stress corrosion for 120 h was compared 00Cr18Ni10N base metal and its welded joints of the stress corrosion resistance and the use of metallographic microscope and scanning electron microscopy 00Cr18Ni10N steel weld zone, heat affected zone and the base metal microstructure differences and stress corrosion cracking fracture morphology.The results show that, The stress corrosion cracking location of the welded joint is located in the weld zone, the strength loss of 00Cr18Ni10N base metal is 13.02% lower than the welded joint at higher stress level of 90% σ0.2, the stress corrosion resistance of the base metal is better than the welded joint. The morphological analysis shows that the fracture of the 00Cr18Ni10N base metal and the welded joint occurred under the combined action of stress and corrosion medium, and the fracture morphology of the intergranular fracture and dimple fracture was observed.
目的研究糖链抗原-125(CA-125)和细胞角蛋白19片段21-1(CYFRA 21-1)联合检测在非小细胞肺癌(N SCLC)诊断中的临床意义。方法采用放射免疫法检测了83例肺癌患者、28例肺部良性