备受关注的《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》在三读之后,于8月28日终获通过。而此时,距其前身《中华人民共和国 治安管理处罚条例》的颁行已19年,离上一次修订也达11年之久。这11年来,经济的高速发展,权利意识的日益勃兴,社会 观念多元化趋势加快,对于社会治安都有着深远的影响,也使《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例》的一些内容在合理性上面 临很大的挑战。另一方面,随着刑法与刑事诉讼法的修订以及行政处罚法、行政复议法等一批新法的制定,法律冲突也逐渐增 多。来自现实生活的挑战和源于法律上的碰撞所带来的执法尴尬,是出台《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》的主要背景。 正如一位法官所云:“法律就像旅行一样,必须为明天作准备。它必须具备成长的原则。”从完善我国治安管理法律制度和 适应社会治安发展形势的需要出发,新鲜出笼的《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》的确可称之为“亮点频频”,举凡应受治安 处罚行为的增加、拘留自由裁量幅度的收窄、处罚程序监督机制的引入等等,无一不彰显着“法律的生长”。
The “People’s Republic of China Public Security Administration Punishment Law”, which received much attention, was finally passed on August 28 after the Third Reading. At this time, from its predecessor, “the People’s Republic of China Public Security Management Punishment Ordinance,” the enactment of 19 years, from the last revision of up to 11 years. In the past 11 years, the rapid economic development, increasing awareness of rights and the acceleration of the diversification of social concepts have far-reaching effects on social order and also make some elements of the “Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Public Order and Security Penalties” on the reasonableness Great challenge On the other hand, with the revision of the Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law and the formulation of a number of new laws such as the Administrative Punishment Law and the Administrative Reconsideration Law, conflicts of laws have also gradually increased. The challenge from real life and the embarrassment of law enforcement stemming from the collision of laws are the main backgrounds for the promulgation of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Administration of Public Security Administration. As one judge put it: “The law, like traveling, must be prepared for tomorrow, and it must have the principle of growth.” Starting from the need to improve the legal system of public security administration in our country and to meet the needs of the development of social order, People’s Republic of China Public Security Administration Punishment Act “can indeed be described as” bright spots frequently “, such as where should be punished by law and order increase, narrowing the scope of discretion in custody, the introduction of the supervisory mechanism for the punishment process, etc., all highlight the” law Growth ".