Objective To analyze the regular department of emergency department and the law of income peak during 2011-2015 by circular distribution method. Methods Data were from the outpatient and emergency work report and inpatient report of medical records management system of Guangdong Province. The circular distribution index of EXCEL2007 software was used and the statistical analysis was made by Rayleigh’s and Watson-William test methods. Results The average incidence of r = 0. 0963 and average angle ā1 = 169.85 ° (Rayleigh’s test: P <0.01) in the round-outpatient and emergency department from 2011 to 2015; r2 = 0.1047 and average angle ā2 = 173.54 ° 51.81 °, 295.27 °) (Rayleigh’s test: P <0.01). The mean difference of outpatient and emergency department in five years was F1 = 1268.48, and the average hospital income F2 = 47.01 (Watson-William test: P <0.01) , The peak period and the starting and ending time are different. The 5-year outpatient and emergency department peak period is from Feb. 16 to Oct. 25, and the income peak period is from Feb. 22 to Oct. 26. Conclusion The method of circular distribution can be used to understand the distribution of time in the treatment of infants and the income of hospital and provide a favorable reference for the hospital management.