《密茨凯维奇》,林洪亮著,重庆出版社,1990年9月版 波兰浪漫主义诗歌的一代宗师亚当·密茨凯维奇(1798—1855)一生追求祖国独立、民族解放和人民幸福,他以自己光彩夺目的诗歌创作,为世界文学作出了突出贡献,也为自己在世界文坛巨匠中赢得了一席崇高的地位。 波兰学术界对密茨凯维奇及其作品的研
Mickiewicz, Lin Hongliang, Chongqing Press, September 1990 Edition Master of Polish Romantic Poetry Adam Mickiewicz (1798-1855) Pursuing the independence of the motherland, national liberation and people’s happiness He made his own dazzling poetry creation, made outstanding contributions to the world literature, but also for himself in the world literary giant won a seat of lofty status.究 Research on Mickiewicz and his Works in Polish Academia