A Brief Introduction to Sociolinguistics

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Language works as one of the most important instrument of social interaction. From social point of view,two aspects of language behavior are very important. 1) The function of language in establishing social relationships. 2) The role played by language by conveying information about the speaker. That is to say,sociolinguistics concerns with the interaction between the society and the language. In this paper,we are going to talk about the interaction in two aspects: the basic social functions of language,and the relationship between language and society. Language works as one of the most important instrument of social interaction. From social point of view, two aspects of language behavior are very important. 1) The function of language in establishing social relationships. 2) The role played by language by conveying information about the speaker. That is to say, sociolinguistics concerns with the interaction between the society and the language. In this paper, we are going to talk about the interaction in two aspects: the basic social functions of language, and the relationship between language and society .
导演:克林特·伊斯特伍德  主演:布莱德利·库珀/西耶娜·米勒  类型/地区:剧情 美国  上映日期:2014年12月25日(美国)  剧情  库珀正在紧锣密鼓地筹备一部以克里斯·凯尔为主角的影片,讲述这位海豹突击队神枪手的传奇故事。 凯尔是美军海豹部队狙击手,曾四次前往伊拉克参战,其间共射杀160名敌人,曾在1920米的距离外用一颗子弹使敌人毙命,有美国“最致命的神射手”称号。  【责编/波西】
《重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》(双月刊),创刊于1986年。国内刊号CN50-1180/C,国际刊号ISSN1673-8268,由重庆市教委主管、重庆邮电大学主办。  本刊邮局发行,邮发代号78-245。每册12元,全年定价72元。  邮寄(汇款)地址:重庆市南岸区崇文路2号重庆邮电大学期刊社  邮政编码:400065  联系方式:电话023-62487071传真023-62471771  E