江泽民总书记在中央思想政治工作会议上提出 :“必须建设一支素质强、业务精、纪律严、作风正的专兼结合的思想政治工作队伍。”这一重要指示深刻阐述了提高政工干部素质的重要性和紧迫性。搞好教育 ,增强政工干部提高素质的责任感。当前 ,部队政工干部队伍结构发生了一些显著
General Secretary Jiang Zemin put forward at the central conference on ideological and political work: “We must build a contingent of ideological and political workers with strong professional qualifications, strict discipline and rigorous style of work.” This important instruction profoundly expounds on improving the quality of political cadres The importance and urgency. Do a good job of education and enhance the responsibility of political cadres in improving their quality. At present, there have been some notable achievements in the structure of contingent of political and military cadres in the armed forces