In recent years, people have drawn increasing attention to the lower classes, but there has been much confusion in the discussion. There is no clear definition of the lower classes, but there are two ways - class characteristics and lifestyles - that can be used to define it. The lower classes can be divided into four types according to economic security and family stability: (1) Stable poor people are characterized by economic and family stability; (2) Those who barely live, a symbol of economic security and family instability. This is a transitional situation; (3) miscellaneous traffickers, indicating economic insecurity and family stability; and (4) destabilizing people, both economically and personally. Generally speaking, the lower class mostly refers to this group. There are three basic policies for treating the lower classes: (1) direct economic changes, such as providing stable employment; (2) direct services, such as enhancing individual self-esteem; (3) indirectly changing the social and psychological factors that affect the slum area And political climate. The poor did not decline very quickly; inequality in income and wealth in the near-term had increased notably. Relief programs can sustain the lives of many poor but do not provide the “welfare state” standard. At present, the poor in the United States are politically active more than usual. The changing U.S. economy is generating new property relations. At the same time, new working classes and new low-income classes have also emerged.