自晚唐而下,江南在历史上的地位日渐彰著,这种趋势到元朝形成一个高峰,特征是城镇连绵群②的出现,从而凸显它的区位优势。本文拟从考察漕运、纺织、贸易及地理资源配置楔入,分析相关行业最小成本组合地点,说明元代江南区位和城镇连绵群形势,论证元代对江南的开发。一 漕
Since the late Tang Dynasty, Jiangnan has enjoyed a long history in its history. This trend has reached a peak in the Yuan Dynasty characterized by the emergence of urban clusters, thereby highlighting its geographical advantages. This paper intends to wedge from the investigation of the allocation of water transport, textile, trade and geography resources, analyzes the minimum cost combination place of the related industries, explains the situation of the south of the Yangtze River in the Yuan Dynasty and the rolling stock in the urban area, and demonstrates the Yuan Dynasty’s development of Jiangnan. A waterway