抗战结束后的短短两年间 ,联合国善后救济总署 (简称联总 )曾向我国提供 6 .4 7亿美元的经济援助 ,帮助我国进行救济善后工作。这是我国历史上所获得的数额最大的一笔国际无偿援助。国民政府将这笔资源主要用于救济难民和恢复农业、交通及工矿业。由于时间过于仓促 ,加上内战的直接破坏 ,联总资源未能产生预期效果 ,因此 ,引起不少非议
In the short two years since the end of the war, the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Service (UNSRA) has provided China with a total of $ 670 million in economic assistance to help remedy the aftermath of China’s reintegration. This is the largest amount of international grant aid in the history of our country. The National Government has used this resource mainly for the relief of refugees and the restoration of agriculture, transport, mining and industry. Due to the time is too hasty, coupled with the direct destruction of the civil war, the total resources failed to produce the desired results, therefore, a lot of criticism