【摘 要】
1998年7月全国打击走私工作会议之后 ,慑于反走私的强大声威 ,走私分子暂时收敛了猖獗的走私活动。然而他们并未死心 ,时刻在窥测风向 ,与海关在国门前斗法。此案披露的是走
1998年7月全国打击走私工作会议之后 ,慑于反走私的强大声威 ,走私分子暂时收敛了猖獗的走私活动。然而他们并未死心 ,时刻在窥测风向 ,与海关在国门前斗法。此案披露的是走私分子通过控制外贸、内贸及贮运各环节 ,采用伪造单证、调包等手法 ,以“一条龙”作业模式走私的新动向。触目惊心的事实告诫人们 :打击走私没有尽头 ,缉私斗争没有穷期!
After the national anti-smuggling conference in July 1998 was haunted by the powerful anti-smuggling remarks, smugglers temporarily closed down the rampant smuggling activities. However, they did not give up, always peeping the wind, with the Customs in front of the country. Disclosure of the case is the new trend of smuggling by smugglers through the “one-stop” mode of operation through the control of all aspects of foreign trade, domestic trade and storage and transportation and the use of forged documents and transfer of packages. The alarming fact warned people that there is no end to crackdown on smuggling and no stalemate in the fight against smuggling!
河北省唐山市共有1立方米每秒以上的排水或排灌两用泵站121处,设计提水能力786立方米每秒,总装机容量269台套,41461千瓦,控制排灌面积257万亩,除涝标准达到5年一遇。 由于泵
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