国务院副总理陈毅生前在参观一个历史档案展览会时,曾经谆谆教导档案工作者要有“甘坐冷板凳”的精神。他还意味深长地说:“坐冷板凳开始坐有些凉,坐了一会就热起来了。” 70年代初,我在一个中型企业担任党委秘书时兼管文书档案,就和档案工作结下了不解之缘。以后因工作关系到省、地、县市一些先进的档案馆参观学习,档案馆就象磁石般地吸引了我,那书写工整美观的索引,象航标指引我在浩如烟海的档案馆里遨游。翻开卷宗,象与历史的老人对话。一排排整齐的卷宗,象列队待发的士兵,随时听从社会主义革命和
During his visit to a historical archives exhibition, former vice premier Chen Yi of the State Council instructed the archivists to have the spirit of “willingly sitting on a bench”. He also said meaningfully: “Sitting on the cold bench began to sit a bit cold, took a while to heat up.” In the early 70s, when I served as a party secretary in a medium-sized enterprises file control files, and the file work Puzzled. Later, due to work related to the provincial, prefectural and county archives to visit some advanced archives, archives like a magnet to attract me, that writing neat appearance of the index, like aids to navigation guide I navigate in the vast archives. Open the file, like the dialogue with the elderly in history. The neat dossiers, like the soldiers waiting in line, are ready to follow the socialist revolution