SOTEC是一个刚刚进军中国市场的日本电脑品牌,在今年5月18日携4款各具特色的笔记本电脑产品正式登陆中国。在产品正式发布的同时,我们也拿到了其中一款产品进行评测,它就是针对影音娱乐应用的宽屏幕机型 Afina AQ7200AC。
SOTEC is a Japanese computer brand that just entered the Chinese market. It officially landed in China with 4 models of distinctive notebook computers on May 18 this year. At the same time that the product was officially released, we also got one of the products for evaluation, which is the Afina AQ7200AC wide-screen model for audio-visual entertainment applications.