Lee, who has been suffering from heart disease for more than 10 years, works well with digoxin on daily palpitations. Therefore, whenever he develops heart palpitations and palpitation, he takes digoxin at the usual dosage. Not long ago, when Lee again symptoms of palpitation, still taking digoxin, but the symptoms did not improve after taking obvious, so without authorization to increase the dose of digoxin, after taking is still palpitations, palpitation, they take multiple times Digoxin, the result of a sudden coma, was sent to the hospital by his family, after emergency before out of danger. The doctor told Mr. Li that as he arbitrarily increased doses of digoxin, digoxin caused severe poisoning caused by coma, when Mr. Lee concentration of blood in the digoxin 7.6ng per ml, and digoxin normal plasma concentration only 0.8 ~ 2ng per ml. This is only one of the adverse reactions of digoxin, digoxin as a treatment of cardiac dysfunction drugs, and its adverse reactions are nausea, vomiting, arrhythmia, visual abnormalities.