企业文化是一个企业发展的旗帜,而这面旗帜的魂魄正是凝聚着爱国主义思想和集体主义思想的民族精神。 民族精神,是民族文化的深层内涵,是一个民族在历史活动中表现出来的富有生命力的优秀思想、高尚品格和坚定志向,具有对内动员民族力量,对外展示民族形象的重要作用。对一个民族来说,历史发展的精神动力首推民族精神,它以激发民族成员的归属意识,进取意识和奋斗意识,凝聚
Corporate culture is the banner of enterprise development. The soul of this banner is the national spirit that embodies patriotism and collectivism. The national spirit is the deep connotation of national culture. It is a nation’s outstanding thoughts, noble qualities, and determined aspirations that are manifested in historical activities. It has the important function of mobilizing national strength internally and displaying national image externally. For a nation, the spiritual driving force of historical development is to push forward the national spirit. It stimulates the sense of ownership, advancement and struggle of national members, and agglomerates.