手枪口径卡宾枪的出现只是近几年的事,尽管这种类型的武器在军用武器市场上无任何席位,但在警用市场和民用市场上却有其独特的魅力。其威力介于手枪和步枪之间,不会像步枪那样,枪弹在穿透目标后仍有杀伤力,易伤及无辜,而且相比手枪而言精度又有了很大提高。1998年,鲁格公司一连推出了PC4、PC9、PC4GR和PC9GR 4种手枪口径的卡宾枪,并迅速推向市场,意欲占领一直由霰弹枪把守的警用长枪阵地。作为有着470多年历史的老牌军品
The appearance of a pistol caliber carbine is only a matter of recent years. Although this type of weapon does not have any seats in the military weapons market, it has its own unique charm in the police and civilian markets. Its power lies between pistols and rifles, unlike rifles, bullets are still lethal after penetrating the target, and are easily innocent, and their accuracy is greatly improved compared to pistols. In 1998, Ruggie Company unveiled the carbine pistol caliber of 4 pistol types PC4, PC9, PC4GR and PC9GR, and quickly introduced the market with the aim of occupying the position of police rifle guarded by a shotgun. As a veteran with more than 470 years of history