Field investigation on effects of wheat-straw/corn-stalk mulch on ecological environment of upland

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:askkwr
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This work systematically investigates the effects of wheat straw/corn stalk mulch on the ecological environment in upland crops (winter wheat, summer corn) field from 1997 to 1998. With and without mulch soil moisture distribution, water demand, day and night variation of soil temperature, weeds control, crop yields, water and soil conservation, as well as improvement of soil texture were experimentally investigated. The optimal mulch rate for both water saving and yield increase was determined. Ineffective interplant evaporation can be turned into effective transpiration of leaf by application of wheat straw/corn stalk mulch, which enhances the utility factor of soil moisture and reduces irrigation norm, and may also regulate soil temperature, increase soil fertility, and improve soil texture after being returned to the field. Wheat straw/corn stalk mulch inhibits evaporation of moisture so that accumulation of salinity near the soil surface is prevented, and thus ameliorates salinization of land. In the region of severe soil erosion, mulch is used to cover land so as to forestall hydraulic and wind erosion of the soil. This work systematically investigates the effects of wheat straw / corn stalk mulch on the ecological environment in upland crops (winter wheat, summer corn) field from 1997 to 1998. With and without mulch soil moisture distribution, water demand, day and night variation of soil temperature, weeds control, crop yields, water and soil conservation, as well as improvement of soil texture were experimentally investigated. The optimal mulch rate for both water saving and yield increase was determined. Ineffective interplant evaporation can be turned into effective transpiration of leaf by application of wheat straw / corn stalk mulch, which enhances the utility factor of soil moisture and reduces irrigation norm, and may also regulate soil temperature, increase soil fertility, and improve soil texture after being returned to the field. Wheat straw / corn stalk mulch inhibits evaporation of moisture so that accumulation of salinity near the soil surface is prevented, and thus ameliorates s alinization of land. In the region of severe soil erosion, mulch is used to cover land so as to forestall hydraulic and wind erosion of the soil.
本刊讯 受新冠肺炎疫情影响,今年高考安排在7月7—8日举行。目前,高考工作已结束,我区高考过程平稳顺利。  据悉,2020年我区参加高考的考生达50.7万人,其中参加统考人数近37.9万人(文史类15万人、理工类22.9万人),比去年增加了2万人,统考人数再创历史新高。全区共设置考点247个,考场13 144个。  针对今年统考考生人数再创历史新高的情况,我区加强了各项保障措施:投入560万元,增
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