我国最大推力高达0.7 MN的电动振动试验系统近日研制成功,并通过模拟“大火箭”长征五号仪器舱在飞行过程中的各种振动环境,考核了仪器舱的环境适应性和可靠性,为火箭仪器舱在正式飞行中能够正常工作奠定基础。
China’s maximum thrust of up to 0.7 MN of the electric vibration test system has been successfully developed recently, and by simulating the “Big Rocket” Changzheng-5 equipment in the flight during the various vibration environment, the assessment of the environmental suitability and reliability of the instrument compartment , Laying the foundation for the rocket equipment module to work normally in official flight.