Objective agarose isoelectric focusing combined with double antibody peroxidase markers, avidin - biotin amplification technology to detect CSF oligoclonal bands to study the sensitivity and specificity of the method. Methods Twenty - one patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), 42 patients with nervous system inflammatory disease (NID) and 19 patients with nervous system were detected by agarose isoelectric focusing combined with double antibody peroxidase and avidin - biotin amplification. Non-inflammatory disease (NNID) patients with CSF and control serum. Results The positive rate of oligoclonal band in MS patients was 47.6%. There was significant difference between MS group and NID group and NNID group (P <0.0125). Conclusion The method is sensitive and is a valuable immunological indicator of clinical diagnosis of MS. The positive rate of oligoclonal band in MS patients in China is lower than that in Europe and the United States, but it is close to some Asian countries in Asia and Taiwan and Hong Kong in China. The difference in positive rate may be related to the different immune genetic backgrounds of MS patients in East and West.