1. 技术简介。水稻是我国人民的主要食粮,也是农民的主要经济收入来源。20世纪80年代以前,我国为了解决温饱问题,水稻品种选育及生产比较注重于产量,对品质重视不够。因此,稻米品质普遍较差。80年代以后,我国逐步重视发展优质稻生产,科研单位选育出一批优质稻品种。进入
1. Technical Briefing Rice is the main food for our people and also the main source of income for the peasants. Before the 1980s, in order to solve the problem of food and clothing, our country focused more on the output of breeding and production of rice varieties, and paid insufficient attention to the quality. Therefore, the quality of rice is generally poor. Since the 1980s, our country has paid great attention to the development of high-quality rice production, and scientific research institutes have bred a batch of high-quality rice varieties. enter