随着科技的不断发展,无线网络技术也日新月异。“蓝牙”技术成为了当中倍受人们关注的宠儿,在这期的专题里,我们将就“蓝牙”技术的发展及将来,并结合深圳和中国的实际情况与大家一起探讨“蓝牙”会为特区带来什么新的机会,同时结合蓝牙的未来和前景以及产业的实际情况从正,反两面进行了介绍和论述。 细心的读者会发现本期“新视角”栏目有了很大的变化,同时也多了一些新面孔。是的,我们这期“新视角”中加入了一个新成员——创思工作室,它是一个自发组织的非盈利性团体,成员由来自全国各地的十几位对IT及新经济兴趣浓厚的年轻人组成,从这期开始,我们特别邀请了他们与我们一道主持这个《新视角》栏目,相信凭借他们的年轻和热忱,一定会为读者带来阵阵惊喜。 本刊编辑部
With the continuous development of technology, wireless network technology is also changing with each passing day. “Bluetooth” technology has become a darling of people’s attention. In this issue, we will discuss the development of the “Bluetooth” technology and the future, and combine the actual situation in Shenzhen and China to discuss “Bluetooth” as What new opportunities the SAR brings, combined with the future and prospects of Bluetooth and the actual situation of the industry, are introduced and discussed from the positive and negative aspects. Careful readers will find that there has been a great change in the “new perspective” section of this issue, as well as new faces. Yes, we added a new member in this issue of “New Perspectives” - Creative Studio, a self-organized, non-profit organization with a dozen members from all over the country with a strong interest in IT and the new economy. From the beginning of this period, we have specially invited them to join us in presiding over this “new perspective” column. I believe that with their youth and enthusiasm, they will surely bring surprises to readers. Editorial Office