
来源 :河北农业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:WHBGODWHBGOD
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为探明枣粮间作复合种植对作物生态及产量的动态影响 ,进行了 3年的系统研究。结果表明 :①枣粮间作复合系统的生态因子发生了变化 ,实现了较高层次上的互补效应。枣粮间作复合种植对作物冠层光照强度有一定的影响 ,表现为树冠对间作物的遮阴影响 ,枣树各生长期树冠透光率不同 ,以枣头生长高峰期和果实成熟期影响最重 ,树冠透光率分别为 38%和 49%。同时枣粮间作可起到调节空气温、湿度和减少土壤水分蒸发的生态效应。②间作物产量发生了动态变化 ,形成了明显的增产区和减产区 ,光饱和点低的冬小麦和夏大豆增产区和减产区分界线在距树干 2m ,分别较对照增产 9 3%和 5 9%。光饱和点高的夏玉米和夏谷增减产分界线在距树干 4m ,平均表现减产 ,分别较对照减产 4 8%和 5 2 %。 In order to find out the dynamic effect of the compound planting of jujube-grain intercropping on crop ecology and yield, a systematic study was conducted for three years. The results showed that: (1) the ecological factors of jujube-grain intercropping system changed and the complementary effect of higher level was achieved. The effects of intercropping with jujube-grain intercropping on the light intensity of crop canopy were influenced by shading effects of canopy on the intercrop crops. The translucency of canopy at different growth stages of jujube trees was different, and the influence of jujube head growth peak and fruit ripening stage was the most Heavy, crown light transmittance were 38% and 49%. At the same time jujube grain intercropping can play an ecological effect of regulating air temperature, humidity and reducing soil moisture evaporation. (2) The crop yield changed dynamically and formed a significant increase yield area and yield reduction area. The demarcation line between winter wheat and summer soybean yield increasing area and yield reducing area with low light saturation point increased by 23% and 59% respectively compared with the control, . The light saturation point of summer corn and summer valley increase and decrease of the line of demarcation 4m away from the trunk, the average performance of reduced production, respectively, compared with the control 48% and 52%.
目的 探讨先天性心脏病介入治疗的临床护理.方法 回顾分析我院2007年9月~2009年12月采用介入方法治疗先天性心脏病42例,其中动脉导管未闭 (PDA) 13例、房间隔缺损(ASD)18例、