京城三月,九届全国人大四次会议、全国政协九届四次会议代表、委员伴随着新世纪第一个春天的脚步,迎着明媚的阳光又来到了人民大会堂。来自各地的代表、委员们相聚北京,为了祖国更辉煌的明天建言献策,共绘新世纪的蓝图。 担负“两会”交通保卫工作的北京市公安交通管理局各级领导与全市近6000名交警一起,以高度的政治责任感,细致扎实的工作
In March, the Fourth National People’s Congress in Beijing, the Fourth National People’s Congress of the CPPCC National Committee, and the members of the CPPCC National Committee along with the pace of the first spring of the new century came to the Great Hall of the People in response to the bright sunshine. Representatives and members from all over the world gathered in Beijing to offer advice and suggestions for a brighter future for the motherland and draw up a blueprint for the new century. The Beijing Municipal Public Security and Traffic Management Bureau at all levels and the nearly 6,000 traffic police responsible for the traffic defense work of the “two sessions”, together with a high degree of political responsibility, meticulous and solid work