我国已成为世界上最大的可再生能源消费国。在我国利用的能源中 ,有 1/ 4来自包括水电、生物能、太阳能在内的可再生能源。我国有非常丰富的可再生能源资源 ,我国可供开发利用的水能资源为 192 0TWh ,目前仅开发利用了11% ;我国陆地每年接受的太阳辐射总量相当 2 .4Gt标煤
China has become the world’s largest consumer of renewable energy. Of the energy used in our country, one-fourth comes from renewable energy including hydropower, bioenergy, and solar energy. China has very rich renewable energy resources. China’s development and utilization of hydropower resources is 192 0TWh. Currently, only 11% of it is developed and utilized; China’s land receives an annual total of 2. 4Gt of standard coal.