马秉乾 ,1912年生于甘肃岷县寺沟乡绿沙村 ,2 0 0 0年去世。这位抗战时期的复旦大学毕业生 ,长期从事林果研究 ,取得了显著成就。作为晚辈和朋友 ,写出此文 ,以表达怀念之情。一、同六位开国元勋合影马老的家座落在岷县县城。院子不大 ,但花木繁多 ,蜜峰的嗡嗡声和花果的芬芳味
Ma Bing Gan, born in 1912 in Lv Sha Village, Min County, Gansu Province, died in 2000. The Fudan University graduates during the war of resistance against Japan had long been engaged in the research of the fruit trees and made remarkable achievements. As a junior and friend, write this article to express the feeling of nostalgia. First, with the founding fathers photo Mao’s home is located in Minxian County. The yard is small, but with lots of flowers and buzzing bees and fragrant floral fruits