在劳力紧缺、大面积植株高大的果园里,果树“计划”生产,可选好用好药剂疏花疏果、控梢保果。常用的药剂如下: 一、快绿丰:每包40克对15千克,加糖50克,阿斯匹林4片,维生素B_24片。先用少量水溶解,再加入适量清水,搅拌均匀,喷施叶片背面。晴天上午9点前,下午4点后喷施,阴天不限。分别在果树谢花后、春叶展开期、果实膨大期使用。能提高果树对太阳能的转换率,促使叶片从空气中吸收气态氮和气态水,特别抗高温干旱、阴冻害和病害,减少农药、水、肥用量。使果树不但能承受大年的营养消耗,还能
In the labor shortage, a large area of tall orchards, fruit trees “plan ” production, easy to use good drug thinning fruit thinning, control tips. Commonly used agents are as follows: First, fast green abundance: 40 grams per pack of 15 kg, 50 grams of sugar, aspirin 4, vitamin B_24 tablets. First with a small amount of water dissolved, then add the right amount of water, stir, spray blade back. Sunny before 9 am, after 4 pm spraying, cloudy days. After the fruit trees were thank flowers, the spring leaves unfold, the use of fruit enlargement. Can improve the conversion rate of fruit trees to solar energy, promote the leaves to absorb gaseous nitrogen and gaseous water from the air, especially against high temperature and drought, Yin cold injury and disease, reduce pesticide, water and fertilizer consumption. So that fruit trees can not only bear the New Year’s nutritional consumption, but also